Libidinal Philosophy Research Day:
A special event hosted by the Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy
9am - 5pm
Friday, 6 February 2009
The Gryphon Gallery, 1888 Building
The University of Melbourne
Participants and Paper Titles:
James Williams (University of Dundee): "Lyotard's critique of 'the natural': on the simulacrum and the phantasm in Libidinal Economy"
Justin Clemens (University of Melbourne): "Desire in Lacan"
Graham Jones (Independent Scholar): "Dis/figuring Lacan, Re-configuring Lyotard: Discourse, figure, and the libidinal"
Jon Roffe (MSCP; University of Tasmania; LaTrobe University): "Desire in Deleuze and Guattari's Anti-Oedipus"
Ashley Woodward (MSCP): "Klossowski's Nietzsche and Lyotard's Freud"
***This is a FREE event and all are welcome.